Wednesday, November 4, 2015

AD's November 2015 Devotional

Moving your witness from the abstract to the concrete

A famous child psychologist, known for affirming children, had a sidewalk poured in front of his house.   When the neighborhood children wrote their names in the fresh cement, he lost it, “You stupid kids, get off my property.”   The neighbors were shocked and confronted him.   He defended his outburst saying, “It’s true, I do love kids but only in the abstract…I can’t stand them when they’re in my concrete!” 

Hopefully we are not like that psychologist, loving people in the abstract but not connecting with them in our real lives, in our concrete.   We need to reach people in where we actually live!   Here a simple formula on how to keep it real, i.e. how to R.E.A.C.H. people:  Keep it Relevant and Relational, Easy, Anointed, Christ-centered and Honest.    

We also need to watch our attitude!   When Jonah was called to a specific group of people that he resented, he rebelled because he was afraid that God “was a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”   Jonah 4:2.  When our “righteousness” keeps us from loving the very people that God loves, we need an attitude check.   Let’s keep our witness fresh as God keeps us broken and our witness authentic.

From SO CAL devotions: