Thursday, January 1, 2015

ADs January 2015 Devotional

     Sharpening your focus in 2015     

The year 2015 is upon us. I pray for greater clarity of purpose and a sharpened focus of what is important. Let’s keep the main thing, the main thing. C.S. Lewis’ apologetic trilemma is often quoted to prove the Divinity of Jesus. As the argument goes, Jesus was either the Lord or a Lunatic or a Liar. An opinion that asserts that Jesus was merely a good moral teacher is challenged by the choice among three options of which only one is true. Jesus’ Divinity is the truth that gives meaning to everything that He said and did.
     In our missionary service, what is the compelling truth that challenges any lesser options? Following the alliteration of Lewis, I propose that we will either live lives that are lethargic, lapsed, or ones that leave a legacy, there is no compromise among these three options.
* A lethargic life is one defined by laziness, limitations, and is recognized 
as being listless. When the passion for the Call of God is not fresh, 
the fruit of that life is putrid.
* A lapsed life is one defined by lasciviousness, lawlessness, or loftiness. 
The heart once broken at the altar of prayer, hungering for a fresh revelation 
of God’s Glory is now caught up with lust, compromise, or pride. This life is lived in the past tense.
* Finally, a life that leaves a legacy is defined by its liberality of Grace, it’s lifting influence on others, and its lasting impact. As Psalms 92:13-14 (nkjv) depicts this life: “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age. They shall be fresh and flourishing.” I pray that you will choose to live a life that flourishes this year. Let’s leave a legacy for the Glory of God!