Tuesday, July 1, 2014

ADs July Devotional

A well-dressed street musician stands statute-like holding his string bass instrument. It’s Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 6 pm in the middle of a prominent plaza in Sabadell, Spain. A little girl around 10 years old runs up and drops a coin in a hat lying upside down by his feet.  He begins to play a deep and beautiful tune, “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. Soon, one by one an entire orchestra and two choirs join in the celebration of joy that mesmerizes and delights everyone within hearing distance of this captivating flash mob.
   Sure, this “spontaneous event” was orchestrated and sponsored by Banco Sabadell in celebration of its 130th anniversary. Sure, the 100 members of the orchestra and two choirs had spent their lives in disciplined training for occasions just like this one. Sure, someone had meticulously planned where and how this experience was going to take place, but don’t tell this little girl! As she stands transfixed by the impromptu crescendo of the members of this group, she knows! She started the music! It was her coin that began it all.
   At times in ministry, all we have to give is a small coin. Our talent, resources and time may seem insignificant (Matt 13:31-32). Let’s be honest. It has never been about our resources, but God’s. Take your little coin. Drop it at God’s feet. Then watch in wonderment. God has already prepared a joyous event. Soon His joy will be evident in all that hear His music.