Monday, October 21, 2013

ADs November Devotional

Coade Stone: Enduring the Test of Time 

A form of my last name ‘Coad’ was originally rendered ‘Coade’ until a forefather Americanized it upon emigration from Great Britain to America.  Knowing this, I was drawn to a devotional from ‘Our Daily Bread’ entitled ‘Coade Stone.’  The October 16, 2013 article declared, “Throughout London, there are statues and other items made from a unique building material called Coade stone. Developed by Eleanor Coade in the late 1700s, this artificial stone is virtually indestructible and has the capacity to withstand time, weather, and man-made pollution.’  Eleanor succeeded in making an enduring type of stoneware product, which was easily molded into complex shapes that beautified England.   She succeeded where others failed.   I had to know, what was her secret?  Mrs. Coade's own name for her products was Lithodipyra "twice fired stone".   She used ball clay, a material with high plasticity that is common to that area.  Then she added crushed and once fired flint and soda lime silica with common sand to the clay mixture.   The competition was fierce but only Eleanor found the formula to create such a strong and lasting substance.   How?  She used the right combination of common materials subjected to a carefully controlled kiln firing over a period of four days.  Let’s face it, nobody wants to be ‘common’ and few of us embrace the fiery trials such as rejection with joy.  But our longevity and lasting impact in ministry may well depend on our willingness to be molded and then subjected to the Master’s kiln over His pre-determined time.   Jesus Himself, the living stone, faced rejection triumphantly and endured!  I Peter 2:4-5 (MSG) put it this way:  Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life. The workmen took one look and threw it out; God set it in the place of honor. Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you’ll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God.”   Coade Stone statutes have lasted over 150 year despite the harsh environment of London.    They were resilient.  So are you!  God has perfected the process of perfecting you.   Let Him.  Your ministry will endure.