“But it doesn’t matter.”
But when Paul, the man of God, uses those
words, the victim becomes the victor.
He’s in prison. Some insecure
colleagues jealous of his ministry seize upon his misfortune to “preach about
Christ for selfish and wrong reasons, wanting to make trouble for (him) in
prison.” (Phil. 1:16 NCV) Paul’s
reaction? “It doesn’t matter.” He
knows God is in control. Paul is
confident that whether it’s for the right or wrong reason, people are still
hearing about Christ and in that he rejoices.
His resolve is strengthened.
He exclaims, “So I am happy…. I expect ... that I will not fail Christ in anything but
that I will have the courage … to show the greatness of Christ in my life…”
(Phil. 1:18-20 NCV portions) Unwanted
circumstances plus trust in the Greatness of God to work despite the
circumstances equals rejoicing and greater commitment.
Your circumstances don’t determine your
destiny. God does and He is at work in your life! “We know that in all things God works for
the good of those who love him.” (Romans 8:28 NIV) Live on the victory side of your