Monday, January 27, 2014

ADs February Devotional


How’s Your Aim? 


Bullseye   Never has the old proverb, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time” been better illustrated than a phone message I just received.   I had 8 voice mails waiting from me when I landed in Miami after being in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) for 2 weeks.   An unidentified number left me this message, “Hi baby Jean, it’s momma Sam.  Bye.”  I wasn’t entirely sure who baby Jean or momma Sam were but I was convinced that that loving exchange wasn’t meant for me!  Momma Sam randomly threw her loving comment into cyberspace hoping it would connect.   It didn’t!  Momma’s love needed better direction.   So does our prayers.

   My time in TCI illuminated this reality.  The two-week course I taught was on Evangelism Today.  We learned techniques for sharing our faith.   We were inspired to share our faith.   We had two outreaches into the neighbor sharing our faith.   Still, the most powerful night was when the class members identified one person in their lives allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them in creating a strategy for reaching them. After their “reports”, we interceded for their friends, claiming victory over every hindrance to their surrender to God’s Grace.   Powerful, directed, insightful, an yes, anointed!   Two things left an indelible impression on my spirit.  We must pray for those we hope to reach.   Those prayers must be directed by the Holy Spirit.   Take better aim and let’s see what God will do!  "For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God's people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:15-16 (NIV)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

ADs January Devotional

Honor Whom Honor is Due



Our heartfelt thanks go to our beloved colleagues Ron and Carolyn Hittenberger who will be “retiring” from their many responsibilities after 48 ½ years of faithful service.   Honored as unsung heroes in our MR in 2009, their life story serves as an inspiration to the next generation, which has always been the focus of their ministry.   They’ve served 23 years in Haiti, 4 years in the Bahamas, 10 years as the Academic Dean of the Caribbean School of Theology and finished their career as the Global Caribbean Director.  When Ron transitioned from CST to Global in 2009, the leaders of CFAGE honored Ron with endearing words of appreciation for his impact on their lives.  As Ron announced his final resignation, words of praise continued.  Rev. Dr. Patrick Paul from the Bahamas writes, “You have indeed left a legacy in these parts of the world and we know that a rich reward awaits you in Glory!”   Rev. John Smith writes, “From Guyana we wish to record our deep appreciation for your labor of love in the Caribbean in all areas. ”  In 2011 in a prayer covenant, Ron wrote, “The Lord impressed upon my heart the importance of finishing strong in my walk with Him. My heart's desire is to be faithful in serving the Lord to the end of my days.”    Ron and Carolyn, as your colleagues, we honor you.   You are indeed finishing strong and are definitely leaving a legacy of godly and selfless service for the Glory of God.  [Ron’s favorite scripture Deut 31:8 ESV  It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”]